Parent Advisory Council

Atlantic Middle School Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

The Atlantic Middle School Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is an organization of parents and teachers of Atlantic Middle School. This group meets once a month, alternating in person meetings and Zooms to discuss current events, programs and goals of the school and answer any questions that parents may have. As a parent/guardian of one of our students, you already are a member of this organization, and we invite you to attend these meetings.

To better communicate we have also set up a Facebook page: Atlantic Middle School PAC-Quincy MA and have established a PAC email [email protected], which we will use to distribute various PAC communications. Please send us your contact info including your student’s name if you would like to be added to the mailing list.

We are asking for a yearly family contribution of $25. This money will be used to help fund activities for all grades and offset teacher expenses that are incurred throughout the school year. We are committed to having a very active PAC this year and are eager to support a fun and educational environment for our students to thrive in, so please consider making the $25 (or other amount) contribution by VENMO (@AtlanticPAC) or CHECK

Please return a check to your homeroom teacher or the main office, and email us if you are interested in joining our volunteer list!

Please join our Facebook page to keep up to date on what is happening and email [email protected] with any questions, concerns or suggestions. Thank you in advance for your participation.  

Please make checks payable to Atlantic Parent Advisory Council, Venmo is @AtlanticPAC please include your name and your student’s name.

Quincy Citywide Parents' Council (Citywide PTO)

Quincy Special Education Parent Advisory Council (Quincy SEPAC)